Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The night before

Well as I leave work to finish up the odds and ends I feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. Will we be able to achieve our mile plan? Will the cold 35 degrees overtake us at night? Will we be able to trudge on through the forecasted rains? Will our gear hold up? For that matter will I get all packed up tonight and bed at a reasonable hour?

Rusty Nuts and I will complete our final gear inspection and packing tonight then spend the evening in the hammocks in the back woods. Up early to the trail head and off we shall set forth to answer these questions.

The forecast hasn't changed much for the weeks weather, thunderstorms on our first day, near freezing temps the next night, giving way to mild 60 degree days of mostly sunshine, and wrapping up the weekend with clouds. I was prepared for cold, rain, and a Forrest still slumbering from winter. Over the last few weeks we have been gifted with sunshine in abundance, warm days in the 80's and a full showing of spring blooms and buds. I guess I got a tad spoiled. A few day hikes confirmed that the wilderness is again wild, awake, and as eager to emerge from dormancy as I am. Snakes slither to sun bathe, flowers rip through the soil towards to the world, the trees once again show their leafy cover and the grass has carpeted the landscape. Everything seems to be in place for a spring hike, yet after lounging hiking forums, extensive planning, late nights building rain flys, and numerous gear checks I still feel unprepared and inadequate for the trail.

Tomorrow we shall see what adventure awaits us.

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